Clean space, affordable prices, transparent dealings – at all times.


In 2005, there was a need for a clean, spacious medium sized hall within a decent budget for organizing traditional rituals & ceremonies. So the founders Mr. Balaji & Mrs. Uma Balaji, self-made entrepreneurs, took up this project as part of their offering to the community. This was established as a 200 seater hall, with a floating capacity of 550-600 (max) guests.

Below is a picture of the mandapam at various stages since beginning. Scroll down to know more.


Old pictures showing Mandapam’s journey since 2005


A mandapam seemed to be (& today also is) a dharmic occupation. Our strong values around Indic wisdom, humanness in transactions & honesty are the key anchors for managing the mandapam. In 2010, a strong spiritual seeking took the founding couples to Tiruvannamalai & shortly thereafter, they settled there. After considering options of donating the hall to a few ashrams or temples, the family made the choice to continue to run it as a mandapam – managed by the next generation – Management since 2012: Shri. Gowtham Balaji & Sandhya Manian (in picture).


Akshayaa Mahal Mandapam in 2021


Gowtham is a Yogic Coach – into teaching yoga, facilitating self-discovery & energy healing. Sandhya is a Holistic nutritionist – brings Indic wisdom into relationship with food & healing through individual consultations & group sessions. Together the couple with their 2 daughters manage the mandapam since 2012.




Gowtham Balaji (Yogic Leadership Coach, Yoga Teacher) & Sandhya Manian (Nutritionist). Parents of 2 children. Currently own & manage the mandapam.


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